Friday, April 16, 2010

Inspiration: Yoshitomo Nara

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Pictures Alice Baxley put together of Yoshitomo Nara and his painting and art work from Clouds and Candy
Clouds and Candy Photo editing of Japan painter Yoshitomo Nara

Art has always inspired me so even when I was a little girl back in Tokyo. Yoshitomo Nara has a way of capturing a childlike innocence in his character paintings with an edge of teenage rebellion that I always seemed to connect with. It takes me to a place long ago when I lived in Japan. I had the opportunity to go to his exhibit in Hawaii once and it was so amazing. A mix of modernism with my own feelings of nostalgia just blew my mind. I watched an interview once with him and he said he has always had a hard time expressing how he feels so thats why he started his artwork. He said he felt like he could capture his emotions more efficiently when given a canvas. And how many of us feel the same way with whatever our "vice" is? Fashion is an expression of you. How you feel, how you want people to perceive you. I love that for us, fashion enthusiasts, our body is like a canvas- Oh the beauty of style!

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