Monday, March 1, 2010

Miss Dior Cherie & The Lovely Sofia Coppola

I'm reading: Miss Dior Cherie & The Lovely Sofia CoppolaTweet this!
I recently been on a Sofia Coppola kick lately. It's been a while since I've watched her movies and I forgot how much I enjoyed them. I was so enthralled with the colors, costumes and all the delicious cakes and sweets throughout the movie, Marie Antoinette. I was mesmerized by the decadence! This made me want to watch the Miss Dior Cherie commercial again. and again. Then daydream about Paris.
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I have to admit that I am somewhat of a tomboy but her movies always bring the girly side of me make me fall in love with the color pink. Take a look at this Miss Dior Cherie commercial she directed. Such a fun and playful day in Paris. I want to be her and I want her pink dress!

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And I always like watching the behind the scenes so here's a short clip :)

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