Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm so freaaaaaakin excited!

I'm reading: I'm so freaaaaaakin excited!Tweet this!
Kristen Wiig
some favorite Kristen Wiig SNL moments

So...I know you are all so sick of me talking about my new york trip but you know, sometimes, I just get so freeeeakin' excited and I can't contain it... (if you have no idea what I'm quoting, you need to watch the clip below) I'd like to dedicate this post to one of my favorite ladies, Kristen Wiig. She is hilarious and I love her to death. She makes any sketch just 10x funnier. I can't get enough of all of her weird characters on SNL. I love that she is fully committed. If you throw her in front of the meanest, most serious, uninterested crowd, she will no doubt bring the magic and have them laughing by the end of the night. I'm talking about dedication to her characters, people. This woman will put on any ridiculous outfit and persona to bring these characters to life. She is not trying to be sexy or look hot or even stoop to making "sex" jokes. Just look at the target lady sketch. The bowl cut is just hideously amazing!

Kristen Wiig

It's funny... when I was in first grade it was sharing time in our class and most kids would say what their dream occupation was and everyone said, "doctor", "lawyer"...."a teacher" or the classic "a princess". I got up and nervously said, "I wanna be a comedian...." No one even knew what that word even meant. They all thought I was a weirdo anyway. I didn't end up becoming a comedian but I studied theatre throughout college and was part of an improv group. Making people laugh is the best feeling in the world and I have a huge amount of respect for comedians. They have to come up with so many clever ways to make you laugh. My all time favorite is Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett. If you are in need of a smile today, watch this clip below or go watch your favorite funny movie!


Unknown said...

haha these images capture excited fabulously!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Lexi said...

hahahaha I love her too!

marisa said...

she's the best !

have you seen *all good things?* saw it this week, and she has a serious part. I giggled just seeing her face. too bad I can't recommend the film :( not so hot.

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